Disclosure Statement – Home N Garden Plus LLC

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Disclaimer: Carolyn Stewart, Administrator for homengardenplus.com Blog/Website is a participant in the Amazon.com Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for me to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.

Homengardenplus.com, Site Administrator, Carolyn D. Stewart – As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases with no additional costs to the purchasers.


Homengardenplus.com, Site Administrator, Carolyn D. Stewart uses affiliate links consistently throughout most blog posts.


This blog, homengardenplus.com, does not have access to share personal information about any of the blog’s visitors, outside of comments that the visitors share on the blog. Visitors’ personal information in comments are not shared, however; there is an analysis of the number of visitors to the blog and the number of clicks on product affiliate links using “cookies”.


As the owner of this blog, homengardenplus.com, I, Carolyn D. Stewart provide insight on outdoor products. Any information that I have not discussed about a particular product, please check with the manufacturer for more detailed information.


This blog, homengardenplus.com is a secured site. Commission-earned text links are listed throughout the site. ..After clicking on a link, I could earn commission if a product is purchased.


I, Carolyn D. Stewart, am a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program. I earn from qualifying purchases.


Homengardenplus.com goals are firstly – to provide insight on gardening and lawn care products with an interest in scenic outdoor room appearances, including backyards, patios, greenhouses, gardening beds, porches and other outdoor surfaces.


Homengardenplus.com goals are secondly – to gain passive income and to increase referral readership to our blog posts.


Thank you for keeping new referrals coming to this website.


Site Management

Home N Garden Plus LLC

Carolyn Stewart. Site Administer

c/o homengardenplus.com



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